Acesso as Plataformas da Estação República Transferência com a linha 3 vermelha.
Os acessos de embarque desembarque e transferências com a linha 3 vermelha do Metrô que liga o terminal Palmeiras -Barra Funda a Corinthians-Itaquera na estação República ficaram prontos esta semana,os testes eletrônicos vem sendo realizados diariamente,a previsão de entrega das estações República e Estação Luz da Linha 4 está prevista para setembro,a nova linha 4 do Metrô de São Paulo já está em Funcionamento e as estações já entregues são:
Estação Butantã,
Localiza-se na avenida Vital Brasil, esquina com a Rua Pirajussara. A estação integra com o terminal de ônibus da SPTrans, localizado na rua MMDC, além de contar com bicicletário.
em frente ao bloco principal da estação, localizado na via de acesso ao terminal de ônibus, esquina com a avenida Vital Brasil. Este acesso possui três saídas.
na rua Engenheiro Bianor, esquina com a avenida Vital Brasil.
Estação Pinheiros
situa-se na rua Capri, 145. Atualmente possui integração com a Estação Pinheiros da Linha 9-Esmeralda da CPTM, através de uma passarela sobre a Marginal Pinheiros. Futuramente, a estação também fará integração com o terminal urbano de ônibus, com previsão de atender 160 linhas, e localizado sobre um estacionamento com capacidade para 500 vagas de automóvel. Além disso, a estação também dispõe de bicicletário.Existem dois acessos: na rua Capri, sendo este disposto de duas saídas – uma em escada e outra em rampa, adequada para pessoas com deficiência física
interligação com a Estação Pinheiros da Linha 9-Esmeralda da CPTM
Estação Faria Lima,
fica no Largo da Batata, situado na avenida Faria Lima, altura do número 940. Existem dois acessos na estação, ambos adequados para pessoas com deficiência física: no Largo da Batata e na esquina da avenida Faria Lima com a rua Teodoro Sampaio e
Estação Consolação- Paulista
fica sob a rua da Consolação, próxima ao cruzamento com a avenida Paulista. Integra com a Estação Consolação da Linha 2 (Verde) do Metrô, através de uma interligação subterrânea entre as duas.
Sobre o Consórcio CCR Via 4
Com capacidade para transportar cerca de 2.000 passageiros por viagem, os trens da Linha 4 – Amarela do metrô são os mais modernos e seguros em termos de transporte metroviário. Construídos na Coreia, terão passagem livre entre os carros e os usuários poderão falar ao celular e acessar a internet via rede sem fio.
A Linha 4 será a primeira na América Latina a entrar em funcionamento com divisórias de vidro separando a plataforma dos trilhos. As portas de plataforma se abrirão juntamente com as do trem, no ponto exato da entrada e saída dos usuários, oferecendo maior segurança e conforto aos passageiros.
Mas a maior novidade tecnológica é o sistema “driverless”, que permite a operação sem a presença do condutor dentro do trem. Também inédita na América Latina, essa tecnologia é a mais segura disponível na atualidade, pois as velocidades são sempre mantidas dentro dos limites e reguladas de acordo com a necessidade. Todas as funções são comandadas diretamente do Centro de Controle Operacional (CCO).
Na Linha 4, o intervalo entre os trens poderá chegar a 75 segundos!
Concessionária responsável pela manutenção e administração da Linha 4 – Amarela do metrô de São Paulo, a ViaQuatro é o primeiro contrato de Parceria Público Privada do País. O projeto, executado em parceria com o governo paulista, prevê a concessão e a manutenção dessa linha do metrô por 30 anos.
A empresa integra o Grupo CCR, um dos maiores grupos de concessões de rodovias do Brasil, formado por sete concessionárias do setor: CCR Ponte (RJ), CCR NovaDutra (SP e RJ), CCR ViaLagos (RJ), CCR RodoNorte (PR), CCR AutoBan (SP), CCR ViaOeste (SP) e CCR RodoAnel (SP). A CCR detém ainda participação de 40% na concessionária Renovias, 45% na Controlar, empresa responsável pela inspeção veicular ambiental na cidade de São Paulo, e 38,25% no Grupo STP, que opera meios eletrônicos de pagamento.
Além do Grupo CCR, que detém 58% de suas ações, a ViaQuatro tem como acionistas Montgomery Participações, Mitsui & Co., RATP Développement e Benito Roggio Transporte.
Os investimentos iniciais da ViaQuatro na aquisição de trens, equipamentos e sistemas somam US$ 500 milhões. Durante os 30 anos do contrato de concessão, os custos de operação e manutenção vão totalizar US$ 1,5 bilhão aproximadamente. Assim, até o final da concessão, a ViaQuatro terá investido mais de US$ 2 bilhões na Linha 4 Amarela
Além disso, quando entrar em operação, a Linha 4 – Amarela do metrô vai gerar mais de 2 mil oportunidades de trabalho. Desse total, cerca de 600 profissionais serão contratados diretamente pela concessionária ViaQuatro.
The Republic Station Line 4 of São Paulo Brazil Metro is ready!
The fits of landing and departure transfers with the red subway line 3 to connect the terminal to Palmeiras-Barra Funda-Itaquera Corinthians Republic were ready at the station this week, the electronic testing is being performed daily, the expected delivery of the Republic and stations Light Station Line 4 is scheduled for September, the new Metro Line 4 of São Paulo is already in operation and the stations are already delivered:
Station Butantã
It is located on Avenida Vital Brazil, corner with Pirajussara.The station integrates with SPTrans bus terminal, located on the street MMDC, and rely on rack.
The station has three entrances, all suitable for people with physical disabilities: the main body of the season, with two outputs: the main avenue by Vital Brazil (arranged stairs and ramps) and the other facing the street Pirajussara, front of the main block of the station, located on the access road to the bus terminal at the corner of Avenida Vital Brazil.This approach has three outputs.Bianor Engineer in the street at the corner of Avenida Vital Brazil.
Pinheiros Station
is located in Capri Street, 145. Currently it has integrated with the Pinheiros Station Line 9-Emerald CPTM through a walkway on the Marginal Pinheiros. Eventually, the station will also integrate with the urban bus terminal, expected to serve 160 lines, and located on a parking lot with capacity for 500 car spaces. In addition, the station also has bicicletário.Existem two entrances: the street Capri, which is arranged in two outputs - a ladder and another ramp, suitable for people with physical disabilities
interconnection with the Pinheiros Station Line 9-Emerald CPTM
Station Faria Lima,
is in the Largo da Batata, located on Avenida Faria Lima, near number 940. There are two entrances at the station, both suitable for people with physical disabilities: the Largo da Batata and at the corner of Faria Lima and Teodoro Sampaio Street
Consolation-Paulista Station
is under the Consolation Street, near the intersection with the Avenida Paulista. Integrates with Consolation Station Line 2 (Green) subway through an underground interconnection between the two.
Consortium on CCR Via 4
With the capacity to carry about 2,000 passengers per trip, the trains for Line 4 - Yellow subway are the most modern and safe in terms of subway transportation. Built in Korea, will have free passage between the cars and users can talk on the phone and access the Internet wirelessly.Line 4 will be the first in Latin America to come up with glass partitions separating the platform from the tracks. The platform doors will open along with the train at the exact point of entry and exit of users, offering greater security and comfort for passengers.But the real novelty is the technological system "driverless", which allows operation without the presence of the conductor on the train. Also a first in Latin America, this is the safest technology available today, because the speeds are always kept within the limits and adjusted according to need. All functions are controlled directly from the Operational Control Center (OCC).Line 4, the interval between trains can reach up to 75 seconds!
Concessionaire responsible for maintenance and administration of Line 4 - Yellow of the São Paulo subway, ViaQuatro is the first Public Private Partnership contract for the country The project, run in partnership with the São Paulo government, provides for the granting and maintenance of metro line for 30 years.The company integrates the CCR Group, one of the largest road concession operator in Brazil, formed by seven utilities sector: RCC Bridge (RJ), CCR NovaDutra (SP and RJ), CCR ViaLagos (RJ), CCR RodoNorte (PR) , CCR Autoban (SP), CCR ViaOeste (SP) and CCR RodoAnel (SP). CCR also owns 40% stake in Renovias, 45% in control, vehicle inspection company in charge of environment in São Paulo, and 38.25% in STP Group, which operates electronic payment.In addition to the CCR Group, which owns 58% of its shares, as shareholders have ViaQuatro Montgomery Participações, Mitsui & Co., RATP Développement and Benito Roggio Transportation.Initial investments in the acquisition of ViaQuatro trains, equipment and systems total $ 500 million. During the 30 years of the concession contract, the operation and maintenance costs will total approximately $ 1.5 billion. Thus, by the end of the concession, ViaQuatro will have invested more than U.S. $ 2 billion on Line 4 YellowMoreover, when it enters service, the Line 4 - Yellow subway will generate more than 2,000 job opportunities. Of this total, about 600 professionals will be hired directly by the concessionaire ViaQuatro.
Station Butantã
It is located on Avenida Vital Brazil, corner with Pirajussara.The station integrates with SPTrans bus terminal, located on the street MMDC, and rely on rack.
The station has three entrances, all suitable for people with physical disabilities: the main body of the season, with two outputs: the main avenue by Vital Brazil (arranged stairs and ramps) and the other facing the street Pirajussara, front of the main block of the station, located on the access road to the bus terminal at the corner of Avenida Vital Brazil.This approach has three outputs.Bianor Engineer in the street at the corner of Avenida Vital Brazil.
Pinheiros Station
is located in Capri Street, 145. Currently it has integrated with the Pinheiros Station Line 9-Emerald CPTM through a walkway on the Marginal Pinheiros. Eventually, the station will also integrate with the urban bus terminal, expected to serve 160 lines, and located on a parking lot with capacity for 500 car spaces. In addition, the station also has bicicletário.Existem two entrances: the street Capri, which is arranged in two outputs - a ladder and another ramp, suitable for people with physical disabilities
interconnection with the Pinheiros Station Line 9-Emerald CPTM
Station Faria Lima,
is in the Largo da Batata, located on Avenida Faria Lima, near number 940. There are two entrances at the station, both suitable for people with physical disabilities: the Largo da Batata and at the corner of Faria Lima and Teodoro Sampaio Street
Consolation-Paulista Station
is under the Consolation Street, near the intersection with the Avenida Paulista. Integrates with Consolation Station Line 2 (Green) subway through an underground interconnection between the two.
Consortium on CCR Via 4
With the capacity to carry about 2,000 passengers per trip, the trains for Line 4 - Yellow subway are the most modern and safe in terms of subway transportation. Built in Korea, will have free passage between the cars and users can talk on the phone and access the Internet wirelessly.Line 4 will be the first in Latin America to come up with glass partitions separating the platform from the tracks. The platform doors will open along with the train at the exact point of entry and exit of users, offering greater security and comfort for passengers.But the real novelty is the technological system "driverless", which allows operation without the presence of the conductor on the train. Also a first in Latin America, this is the safest technology available today, because the speeds are always kept within the limits and adjusted according to need. All functions are controlled directly from the Operational Control Center (OCC).Line 4, the interval between trains can reach up to 75 seconds!
Concessionaire responsible for maintenance and administration of Line 4 - Yellow of the São Paulo subway, ViaQuatro is the first Public Private Partnership contract for the country The project, run in partnership with the São Paulo government, provides for the granting and maintenance of metro line for 30 years.The company integrates the CCR Group, one of the largest road concession operator in Brazil, formed by seven utilities sector: RCC Bridge (RJ), CCR NovaDutra (SP and RJ), CCR ViaLagos (RJ), CCR RodoNorte (PR) , CCR Autoban (SP), CCR ViaOeste (SP) and CCR RodoAnel (SP). CCR also owns 40% stake in Renovias, 45% in control, vehicle inspection company in charge of environment in São Paulo, and 38.25% in STP Group, which operates electronic payment.In addition to the CCR Group, which owns 58% of its shares, as shareholders have ViaQuatro Montgomery Participações, Mitsui & Co., RATP Développement and Benito Roggio Transportation.Initial investments in the acquisition of ViaQuatro trains, equipment and systems total $ 500 million. During the 30 years of the concession contract, the operation and maintenance costs will total approximately $ 1.5 billion. Thus, by the end of the concession, ViaQuatro will have invested more than U.S. $ 2 billion on Line 4 YellowMoreover, when it enters service, the Line 4 - Yellow subway will generate more than 2,000 job opportunities. Of this total, about 600 professionals will be hired directly by the concessionaire ViaQuatro.
Tradução via Google Translate.
Texto Denis Castro,pesquisa Site Consórcio CCR Via 4
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